Shoulder Bursitis

A Message from Massage Therapist Rob:

Shoulder Bursitis

Musculoskeletal complaints are one of the most common reasons for primary care office visits, and rotator cuff disorders are the most common source of shoulder pain.

Shoulder bursitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the bursa that separates the superior surface of the supraspinatus tendon from the overlying coraco-acromial ligament, the acromial arch and from the deep surface of the deltoid muscle. The subacromial bursa helps the motion of the supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff in activities such as overhead work.

Symptoms of Bursitis

  • Pain on the outside of your shoulder.
  • Pain may spread down your arm towards the elbow or wrist.
  • Pain made worse when lying on your affected shoulder.
  • Pain made worse when using your arm above your head.
  • Painful arc of movement – shoulder pain felt between 60 – 90° of arm moving up and outwards.

Bursitis Treatment

Inflammation of a bursa is not helped by direct massage. Directly massaging an inflamed bursa will cause more pain.

However, in the case of impingement of the rotator cuff muscles, massage can help with the reduction of tension of these muscles which can result in less pressure on the bursa.

Other options may include pain-relieving medications, cold packs, gentle mobilising exercises and rest. Anti-inflammatory medications or injections of corticosteroids may be used in cases of severe pain. If

  • pain-relieving medications
  • cold packs
  • gentle mobilising exercises and
  • rest.

Anti-inflammatory medications or injections of corticosteroids may be used in cases of severe pain.

If infection is present treatment with an appropriate antibiotic is necessary.

If the bursitis was triggered by a particular form of overuse, it is important to avoid that activity, such as a sport.

New Years Resolutions


It’s that time of the year again, where we eat, drink and be merry! And rightly so; it’s been a long tough year, so don’t we deserve to let our hair down a little?

Everything in moderation

As we start to enjoy ourselves we are constantly reminded by the media that everything should be done in moderation. All the celebrity gym junkies and fitness obsessed personalities, give us ‘advice’ on how we can avoid ‘over-indulging’. Let’s be honest, we aren’t going to give up our champagne for that everything should be done in moderation. All the celebrity gym junkies and fitness obsessed personalities, give us ‘advice’ on how we can avoid ‘over-indulging’.

Let’s be honest, we aren’t going to give up our champagne for that everything should be done in moderation. All the celebrity gym junkies and fitness obsessed personalities, give us ‘advice’ on how we can avoid ‘over-indulging’.

Let’s be honest, we aren’t going to give up our champagne for sparking mineral water! Give us a break! It’s the festive season, why not enjoy it?! We are all intelligent enough to realise that we can’t abuse our bodies in such an

We are all intelligent enough to realise that we can’t abuse our bodies in such an over-indulgent manner for too long. So, come January 1, we resolve to make some changes. However, how many of them do we keep? Often, we set ourselves up for failure, not intentionally but because our goals can become a  challenge considering the stresses and demands that our lifestyles dictate.

5 top tips for New Year Resolutions

So, here at AMM, we would like to offer you some sensible and realistic advice in an effort to support you. Here goes;

  1. Start small
    When making resolutions, start small. Consider the daily challenges placed on you from your family and work environments and resolve to make some small changes that can be incorporated into your daily routines. Such as drink a glass of water when waking in the morning.
  2. Set achievable goals
    and let someone know about it. An accountability partner is a great way to help support you keep you on track throughout your journey.
  3. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go to plan.
    We often ‘fall off the wagon’ because after a slip up we speak negatively to ourselves. This negative self-talk tells us that we are failures and should just give up. Replace the negative talk with positive talk.
  4. Don’t give up.
    Resilience doesn’t come from not failing but instead rising every time you do fail. After a setback, pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again.
  5. Reward yourself
    when reaching small goals. The human brain craves a reward system. It helps release ‘feel good’ hormones. So when you do something good, reward yourself and then start working towards your next goal.

The team at AMM wish you a happy and healthy 2017 and hope that all of your resolutions and goals can be achieved. If we can support you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Massage the winter blues away

I’m tired of winter how about you?

Mother nature herself is a cold lady. Winter is a time of year where our bodies seize up on us and getting out of bed becomes a daily battle. The common cold can tear through the strongest family in a day. The 5 minutes it takes the car heater to warm up feels like a lifetime.

Here are five reasons why you need to book yourself in for a massage with AMM ASAP to escape the winter blues.

MUSCLE PAIN – Football, netball, basketball, soccer, yoga or running. Winter takes its toll on muscles like no other season. Massage decreases inflammation, aids muscle repair and tension. Give yourself a head start on your opposition or just give your body a treat.

DRY SKIN – Feeling like your skin resembles a dry pair of leather boots? Massage therapy is proven to improve skin hydration during the dry winter months. Massage therapy improves circulation along with our Body Bliss Living Essence oils leaving your skin nourished and hydrated. Your muscles will thank you as your skin exerts radiance.

IMMUNE BOOSTER – Cold and flu season is at its powerful best during winter. Did you know that massage therapy is a proven immune booster? Massage stimulates your lymphatic system allowing white blood cells to go to work at killing bacteria and infections. Think of it as unleashing some tiny doctors inside of you to fight off illness.

CIRCULATION – Hands and feet feeling cold and clammy? Joints and muscles not moving easily? Massage increases circulation to muscles, joints and organs which is a natural body warmer and at the same time lowers blood pressure and improves body function.

WINTER BLUES – Sad at the sight of your skin being whiter than snow? Haven’t seen the beach in months, can’t surf, swim or sail? Winter stops us from doing the outdoor activities we love. Regular massage enhances overall mental wellbeing. It makes you feel better through releasing serotonin and endorphins.

Book yourself in for a massage today, there is no way you will walk out without a spring in your step.

winter massage